Parasaurolophus : Its most striking feature was the long, bony crest on its head, which contained a network of tubes. Posted by goimages-universe Monday, November 16, 2020 Related PostsHeucherella Pink Revolution / A hybrid of garden origin, it is the result of a cross between two distinct genera, heuchera and tiarella, and shows similarities to both parents.Heuchere Fire Alarm - 'fire alarm' is ideal for growing in a mixed herbaceous border in partial shade, and is also well suited to growing in containers on a shady patio, for a dramatic display.Heuchere Berry Smoothie : Impressive heat and humidity tolerance.Heucherella Dayglow Pink : Heucherella 'dayglow pink' heeft frisgroene bladeren en bloeit rijkelijk met dikkere gevulde roze bloemen.